How long does it take to achieve ketosis?

This is the first KETO DIET FAQ and the answer is: The transition time to nutritional ketosis will depend on many factors, including individual glycogen levels (stored glucose), activity level, age, the extent of carbohydrate restriction, and your overall diet. While many individuals will enter ketosis after approximately four days of following a ketogenic diet, some individuals may take longer. 

Do I need to track calories?

The KD does not restrict calories consumed per day. However, to maintain ketosis, t’s essential to limit carbohydrates to approximately 20 to 50 grams per day, which can be monitored using a tracking app. For a list of macronutrient tracking apps, see “Macronutrient tracking apps for the keto diet” found in the appendix section.

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Can I ever eat sweets or desserts?

The best keto-friendly choices for a sweet tooth include a couple of squares of high- quality dark chocolate (%80 or higher), berries with whipped heavy cream, and homemade desserts made with zero-calorie sweeteners such as monk fruit, stevia, and erythritol. You can include these options in moderation and within your daily carbohydrate limit. Many adherents find that their cravings for sugar and carbohydrates decrease on the KD, making it easier to skip desserts.

How long should I follow the diet?

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects and safety of a short-term ketogenic diet for up to six to twelve months. How long you follow the diet will be up to your individual health goals and health status. Work with your integrative healthcare practitioner to determine what is best for your wellness plan.

What are exogenous ketones?

Exogenous ketones are ketones that come from dietary supplements, such as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) or acetoacetate. Supplementing with exogenous ketones may increase ketone levels in the blood and be used to complement the KD. However, consuming these supplements outside of the context of a low-carbohydrate diet is unlikely to shift your metabolism to a fat-burning ketogenic state.

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Is alcohol keto-friendly?

Some alcoholic beverages are high in carbohydrates and should be restricted on the keto diet, including most beer, dessert wines, coolers, and cocktails made with juice, syrups, and soda. Pure spirits, such as tequila, rye, whiskey, vodka, and gin, contain zero carbohydrates and can be mixed with water or soda water and a splash of lemon or lime juice. You may also choose to consume dry white, red, or sparkling wine in moderation. You can read more HERE

What’s the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis?

Nutritional ketosis is sometimes confused with ketoacidosis, a serious complication of diabetes in which individuals have high blood glucose and ketone levels as a result of inadequate insulin production. In comparison, nutritional ketosis, induced by severely restricting carbohydrate intake, does not cause high blood glucose levels or changes in blood pH.

Can I follow a keto diet while vegetarian or vegan?

Individuals who follow a more inclusive vegetarian eating style, such as Lacto-Ovo vegetarian, may be able to implement the KD successfully. Individuals who eat a strict vegan diet, which restricts all animal products, should be cautious when implementing a KD. For sources of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, the vegan diet relies heavily on grains, beans, and legumes, foods that are also high in carbohydrates and are restricted on the KD. Special attention and planning should be given to ensure that nutrient needs are met in vegan individuals following the KD. Supplementation may be required to meet nutritional needs.

What’s the difference between ketogenic, low-carbohydrate, and paleo diets?

A low-carbohydrate diet commonly consists of consuming between 20 to 70 grams of carbohydrates per day, without specific intake requirements for protein or fat. A keto diet is one type of very-low-carbohydrate diet, permitting only 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day while encouraging fat intake. On the other hand, the paleo diet consists of consuming only food that our prehistoric ancestors would have eaten during the Paleolithic era, such as lean meats, fish, nuts, vegetables, and fruit. A typical paleo diet does not restrict carbohydrates, and may in fact be high-carbohydrate depending on the amount of starchy vegetables, fruit, and permitted sweeteners (e.g., honey, maple syrup) consumed.

Conclusion about Keto Diet FAQ

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into following the keto diet and lifestyle. But do not get discouraged! Your body will thank you for cutting out those sweets and treats. Even if you feel mentally and financially drained by this diet at first, remember that the cost is actually small.
Find your new favorite recipes, make your keto-approved grocery list, and head out to the store. You will soon feel and look amazing with high energy levels, less pain, and fewer worries about terrible medical conditions. Get ready to reset your body to how it is supposed to run with the keto diet!

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